Our Services
In addition to our own products, we offer several client services.

Service 1: Work For Hire
We use our expertise in games and immersive mediums to work on your project. We're highly skilled at this. Let's talk about what you need. Our average rate for studio development time is about $100 an hour.
Service 2: The Education Package
Simple: You give us a non-fiction topic and we turn it into a compelling, networked, learning adventure with learning outcomes. Rates are negotiable.

Service 3: The XR Impact Package
Similar to the Education Package, but oriented towards environmental and social impact. These projects use different success metrics, and different marketing & distribution channels. This often falls into the category of a company's ESG investments.
Service 4: The Ads Package
We work with you to create a high-end immersive advertisement. We optimize the XR ad to be viewed on any hardware device, and dropped into any necessary immersive space. Prices depend on project scope and timeline.

Service 5: Prototyping Worlds
We are world builders. We love prototyping new real-time art pipelines and story worlds. We would gladly do this for you, ranging from hyper-realistic, to extremely stylized 3D art. Prices depend on project scope and timeline.
Meet and Greet
We want to get to know you. We'd love to see if there's a good business fit between our companies. Let's chat.